This is the "Hello" song. It's the first song featured in Backyard Basics 2. Sung by all the characters in the special.
Intro: Annie Frazier (Speaking): A one, and a two, and a three, and a four!
Chorus: Sunny Day (Speaking) (To viewers): Hello and welcome to another Backyard sports day!
Pablo Sanchez (Singing) (To viewers): Hello, and welcome to backyard sports.
All players (To viewers): You are always Welcome for another day of backyard sports games!
Verse 1:
Earl Grey (Speaking): Are you ready to play a game of backyard sports?
All Players: Yes We Are!
Annie Frazier (Shouting): HERE WE GO!
Vinnie: We have all the uniforms, and the fields!
Dante (To viewers): So come on! Let's get playing!
Verse 2:
Annie (To viewers): When I see your smile hanging out with all of us, it makes me feel delighted! (Shouts) WOO!
Maria (To viewers): You are always Welcome for another day of backyard sports games!
Verse 3:
Pablo Sanchez (To viewers): Everybody's welcome, to come and have a visit.
Sidney Webber (To viewers): Just call our clubhouse phone! Will put you on the list.
Angela Delvechio (To viewers): And if we don't answer, we're probably just in the shower.
Tony Delvecchio (To viewers): We don't pick up the phone, when we are in the mist.
(Chorus x2)
The end